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CSL Q&A Topics

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 4:10 pm
by emplep7
So I have an idea for a "podcast", but it might need some help from the league.

My ask is if you great GMs (or assistant GMs) can send any question you'd like to ask (doesn't have to be CSL related although you might get some weird answers if its not) to me through PM?

This could be literally anything, but I'd like to keep it CSL-centric if possible. An example could be this:

- Is TJ (OKCs GM) the most irritating GM in the history of the league?


- Who do you think is the best player over 30 in the CSL?

But really what I want is any questions you have to be answered in this upcoming podcast, but I want them to be anonymous (SO PM ME AND DONT POST THEM HERE). You can post that you sent them to me here so that I can check to make sure I looked at all of the PMs.

I will probably pick 10-15 of them at random, but you can submit as many questions as you want.

Thanks for any help you can throw this way!
